So slowly at first, they began arriving and they were great! ShinyThings1 was one of the first with "Boomers, The Know It All's" true but maybe we shouldn't announce it. Actually if we counted how many times a person entered the contest ShinyThings might be the winner. Yay Cindy
AShinythings1 |
Then there was Thimbledoodlesattic She shared several slogans but the one I was careful to enter for her was "Kids, don't have a clue do they?" I don't have a clue what she was talking about. It didn't get any votes.
You don't have to tell me, I know it wasn't an entry.
AdThimbleDoodlesAttic |
Rock44 said that "Boomers Know" well, I wanta know what she knows, because I can't remember if I ate breakfast.
kvill says nothing scares a Boomer, I'll go along with that but don't expect me to prove it.
Here's one I thought didn't get enough attention. "Classic-Just Like Us." It needs no further introduction.I believe it's validity is in all of us.
SanMarnaStyle |
What? You mean that wasn't one of the slogans? But I think some one voted on it.
So just who did win?. We decided to have two winners, since there were so many good ones to choose from. Only 1st place will be the "Slogan"
.FYI: Do you know the meaning of Slogan? Here's what a dictionary had to say. "Slogan" def, a motto; or a catchy phrase used in advertising. Hmmmm that.s right up our alley. We need to advertise.!
Thirtyseven people voted. That's a little more than half the team membership ! I am thrilled at the turn-out. I know this is just the beginning of the good times we are going to have at Baby Boomers so when I think about that I'm filled with anticipation.
Our winner is;
Attitude Not Age................................PatchworkCrafters
Forever Young...................................FernHollowFinds
You may recognize the shop names, FernHollowFinds has been my Team Leader since I first came on as Captain.
The other name PatchworkCrafters is no doubt just as recognizable, Within this last week I promoted her to Team Leader. At the time she entered the competition she was not a team leader. I also made an announcement that I, myself, nor the Team Leaders, could receive gifts if their slogans did happen to win.
FernHollowFinds |
PstcheorkCrafters |